
Real Fiber

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Terms and Conditions

  1. Month is defined as Calendar Days
  2. Minimum speeds are guaranteed access speeds up to our gateway.
  3. All time references in service definitions are made in "hh:mm:ss" format.
  4. Day checkout time is 00:00 hrs midnight. 
  5. Charges for static IP address are extra.
  6. All services are prepaid based
  7. Base package is a combination of service parameters which is "Port Speed" and "Service(s). Tariff is subject to change with one month notice or expiry of current validity period, whichever is earlier.
  8. Tax and statutory regulations are subject to change without notice.
  9. All services are subject to statutory regulations.
  10. Subject to all jurisdiction 24x7x365 off-site support available.
  11. In case of disconnection, discounts are forfeited.
  12. Un-interrupted Service Continuity. At the end of the validity period of the current package, the subscription shall automatically get renewed to the most recently subscribed package, provided there is sufficient account balance to complete this transaction, failing which the Subscriber account shall be deactivated. However, the Subscriber(s) can opt to stop auto-renewal by requesting REALFIBER Team
  13. Tariff plan for each service is published on the Website www.realfiber.in
  14. The subscriber is required to insure that IP telephony is used as permitted by govt of India, ministry of communication & Information technology.
  15. Internet Telephony is service to process and carry voice signals offered through public internet by the use of personal computers (PCs) or IP based customers premises equipment (CPE) connecting the following:
  16. Except whatever is described above, no other form of internet telephony is permitted.
  17. Translation of E.164 number/ private number to IP address allotted to any device and vice versa, to show compliance with IANA numbering scheme is not permitted.
  18. The subscriber is required to fully comply with the provisions of Indian telegraph ACT 1885, Indian wireless telegraphy ACT 1933 and telecom regulatory authority of India ACT 1997 as modified or replaced from time to time.


We are committed to safeguard your personal information collected and processed by us. In case of any feedback or concern regarding protection of your personal information, you can contact us at support@realfiber.in or Grievance Officer : Name : VADIVELU A Contact Details : 99 44 77 57 76 Working Days : Monday to Friday Working Hours : 09:30 AM to 06:00 PM (excluding Public Holidays) We shall strive to redress your concern expeditiously and effectively.